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Attachment_1618202867The Well-being Clinic

Ko au te puāwaitanga o aku moemoeā
I am the fruition of my dreams and aspirations -well-being clinic is for your well-being

Discover how we are, why we are and who we are.

Life Coaching, Mental Health Consultancy and Well-being Retreats. At Tohunga we provide the knowledge and tools to transform your life into one of purpose, connection, joy and well-being. 

"Ko te pō te kai hari te rā ko te mate te kai hari te kai hari te oranga" 

Just as night is the bringer of day so to is the understanding of suffering the bringer of life - Te Whiti-o-Rongomai & Tohu Kākahi 

His Holiness Dali Lama New Zealand welcome The Well-being Clinic

What we provide

Paora provides Life Coaching and Mental Health Consultancy. He has 25 years experience working as a Clinical Psychologist and has extensive knowledge of ancient wisdom which includes Māori Wisdom, Tibetan Buddhism  and Dzogchen teachings. Paora also facilitates workshops and retreats on a number of topics that aim to bring about transformative change. 


In providing a humanitarian service, aims to create an enlightened society for the benefit of future generations.

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Paora Te Oti Takarangi 
He tangata pono
He tangata tika
Ki runga i te aroha

(Paora Te Oti Takarangi is a person who exemplifies
compassion, truth, integrity and justice in his work for humanity)

Dame Rangimārie Naida Glavish (DNZM JP)

Tohunga Clinic

The Well-being Clinic

Nau mai haere mai - Welcome to the Well-being Clinic. The Well-being Clinic provides coaching and consultations. Well-being Clinics are based upon Māori Indigenous knowledge, Western Psychology and Tibetan Buddhist Principles of health and wellbeing. By engaging with a practitioner you will learn the knowledge to free yourself from all trauma and related illnesses.
The Well-being Clinic encourages self-responsibility in healing self, others and community. For a personal consultation we are based on Waiheke Island, New Zealand from the months October to June and in Dresden, Germany from the months June to October or can be contacted alternatively through zoom. Individual and wh
ānau hourly sessions are priced at NZ $150 or Euro's $75 per session. There is a sliding scale for those who are under financial stress. 

We provide a service in the following areas:


Healing Trauma

Whakawātea Te Mamae Tupuranga is about understanding and clearing the layers of intergenerational trauma
– self, whānau, and tūpuna (ancestors). By engaging in this work you will become free of anxieties, and unwanted thoughts and emotions that have no place in your life path. You will also feel confident on a spiritual level to deal with any obtsacles that you would potentially meet in the future. 

Consultations and sessions available in person or through zoom. 

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Healing Relationships

​Hohourongo is the restoration of relationships through developing clarity and empathy and removing blame to both self and others. By engaging in this work you will automatically become clearer and more joyful in your being. You will have gained some understanding of duality and non-duality which is the thought that separates the self from other.  

Consultations and sessions available in person or through zoom. 


Healing the Mind

Mental health issues occur as a result of not understanding the nature of suffering. Accepting and understanding suffering is the path to wellness. By engaging in this work you will learn how to liberate your mind from the nature of sufferring which includes obssesive thoughts, strong emotions and general mental health issues. You will also learn to understand your energy and capacity much better, and how mental health impacts on physical health and vice versa.

Consulations and sessions available in person or through zoom.


Restoring the life force

Ōkiko Whakamarama is Healy technology that uses micro sound frequencies and vibrational Karakia (prayer) to balance mauri (life force) and restore energy on a cellular level. This can be effective on humans and animals, and to spiritually cleanse places. Various forms of Rongoa (traditional healing practices) are also utilized to reduce stress in the mind and body. This healing work is aimed at those who do not feel energetically that they are in a place to help themselves. Therefore, certain practices here are utilized aimed at lifting the mauri or life force of the individual. 

Consultations and sessions available in person or through zoom. 

Tohunga Consulting

Well-being Retreats

Cultural and Spiritual well-being retreats are facilitated on topics such as: Te Ao Marama - The sacred path of the Warrior,  Māori world view in relating to the dimensions of (Atua, Whenua, and Tāngata), Rongoa, Dynamics of Whānaugatanga, Mental Health, Preparing for Tangihanga,  Indigenous story telling & film making.


Te Ao Marama - the sacred path of the warrior 2025

A series of eight retreats designed to bring about an enlightened perspective and pathway to understanding the nature of trauma and suffering and how to heal this within your own life.

Te Ao Marama is designed to support everyone, regardless of cultural background, gender or beliefs.


The Universe within 2025

Waananga Overview: This is a first of a series of waananga, a transformative journey exploring ancient Maori and Tibetan wisdom teachings that relate to the Whaiao states. This course combines teaching, discussion, and practical exercises that will help guide you through life's cycles. 

Marae Chat Room

Available to members, the marae chat room is for connecting with other tangata whai marama (people seeking wellbeing and enlightenment). The tikanga (guidelines) of the marae chat room are simply based on Pono (respectful and truthful speech), Tika (respectful relations between all tangata whai marama), Aroha (embracing the practice of humility and loving kindness).

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