Das Universum im Inneren
Morning Session (9:00 am - 12:30 pm) Introduction to Te Whaiao and Te Ao Huri Huri: The Maaori concept of time, space, and the fourth time. In this session participants will be introduced to the knowledge of time and space as it pertains to the creation of reality. The three dimensions of reality, Te Kore – Dharmakaya, Te Po – Sambogakaya, – Te Aomarama – Nirmanakaya, will be referred to and examples of ancient Tapatapa and Pao provided
Practical Component: Breathing meditation, sound meditation, and working with elements
Afternoon Session (1:30 pm - 4:00 pm) Life and Transformation: Understanding Atua, Kaitiaki, the interplay of the five elements, and the five primary emotions as related to the six sense's
Practical Component: Mihimihi, Breathing meditation, sound meditation, and working with elements
Closing Circle: 3:30 pm insights and reflections